Realising the ambition of the UK
Green Finance Strategy
One Great George Street, Westminster, London SW1P 3AA
In the UK Green Finance Strategy published on 2nd July 2019 the Government announced that it will be strengthening its training for the public sector by organising a public sector conference on green finance, to take place in October 2019.
The UK Government, with support from the University of Oxford and the UK Green Finance Institute, is hosting the first conference focused on green finance and the public sector on the Thursday 17th October 2019 in central London. It will be an opportunity for representatives from central government departments, devolved administrations, local government, regulators, public bodies, UK overseas posts, and officials from key partner governments to come together to explore the role of public policy and the public sector in green finance.
The transition to a green financial system means fundamental changes to the way decisions are made across the economy. To achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and our wider environmental ambitions, all finance will need to incorporate the financial risks and opportunities presented by climate change and other environmental challenges.
Green finance brings together many of the UK’s strengths. The Government recognises that delivering the systemic changes required to align private financial flows with clean, resilient and environmentally sustainable growth will require collaborative efforts across the public and private sector, and that leadership on green finance will in turn strengthen the competitiveness of the UK financial sector.
This conference aimed to co-ordinate efforts on green finance policy across central and local government, showcase work and successes, provide a forum to discuss emerging topics, and provide opportunities for peer learning and exposure to latest practices on green finance.
The conference was primarily targeting public servants working directly and indirectly on green finance-related topics.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019
Free one-day course on Sustainable Finance 101 from the University of Oxford Sustainable Finance Programme.
Thursday, 17 October 2019
Venue: One Great George St, Westminster, London SW1P 3AA
Download PDF Programme
08:30 - 09:15
09:15 - 10:00
Introduction and Opening Keynotes
The Telford Lecture Theatre
Dr Ben Caldecott, Director, Oxford Sustainable Finance Programme & Associate Professor, University of Oxford
Dr Emily Shuckburgh OBE, Director, University of Cambridge Carbon Neutral Futures Initiative
Tim Lord, Director, Clean Growth, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
10:00 - 11:15
Plenary I: Greening the Financial System
The Telford Lecture Theatre
Chair: Matt Scott, Head of Green Finance, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
Tom Duggan, Deputy Director for the Securities, Markets and Banking team, HM Treasury
Chris Faint, Head of Peer Supervision and Climate Risks, Prudential Regulation Authority, Bank of England
Catherine Howarth, CEO, ShareAction
Daniel Klier, Group General Manager and Global Head of Sustainable Finance, HSBC plc
11:15 - 11:45
Refreshment Break
Great Hall
11:45 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:30
The Telford Lecture Theatre
Chair: Tim Lord, Director, Clean Growth, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
Emma Howard Boyd, Chair, Environment Agency
Dr Rhian-Mari Thomas OBE, CEO, Green Finance Institute
Nick Mabey, CEO, E3G
Networking Lunch
Great Hall
Climate science and its implications for the financial sector (BEIS-led)
Local natural capital investment (DEFRA-led)
The role of the UK Department for International Trade in promoting the UK’s Green Finance offer (DIT led)
15:30 - 16:00
16:00 - 17:15
Refreshment Break
Great Hall
The role of financial regulation in supporting a transition to a sustainable economy (HMT-led)
Financing energy efficiency and heat (BEIS led)
Local impact investing - Building partnerships between private and public sector to create investment in local places (DCMS-led)
17:15 - 18:00
Close and Closing Keynote
Great Hall
Dr Rhian-Mari Thomas OBE, CEO, Green Finance Institute
The Rt Hon. The Lord Deben, Chairman, Committee on Climate Change
18:00 - 19:30
Networking Reception
Great Hall
Friday, 18 October 2019
Free one-day course on Sustainable Finance 101 from the University of Oxford Sustainable Finance Programme.
Opened to all public servants working directly or indirectly on green finance-related topics. This includes those working in UK central government departments, devolved administrations, local government, regulators, public bodies, UK overseas posts, and officials from key partner governments.
The registration fee is £295 per person for public servants and includes lunch, coffee/tea, snacks, and a drinks reception. Public servants registered can apply to participate in one of the free one-day Sustainable Finance 101 courses offered by the University of Oxford on Wednesday 16th and Friday 18th October. Details of these are available here.
The registration fee for those not in the public sector (e.g. private sector or civil society) is £495 and is for the conference on Thursday 17th October only. It also includes lunch, coffee/tea, snacks, and a drinks reception.
We care about your privacy
You will only be registered as a participant of the Public Sector Green Finance Summit 2019. Therefore, we do not use this information for other purposes.
We will use your personal details only for communication about this conference. Some of your personal information will be shared with an external events management company for the purpose of registration management only
We use the University of Oxford's online shop for registration payment
The registered (personal) data is moved to the University of Oxford's secure storage environment
One month after the conference we will remove all (personal) data of all participants of this conference
Questions about the processing of your personal data?
If you have specific questions about your personal data that are processed for this Conference, you can ask these questions to info@publicsectorgreenfinancesummit.org

The Summit took place at One Great George Street, a Grade II listed, four-domed, Edwardian building built in 1910.
Full address:
1 Great George Street
Westminster, London