Realising the ambition of the UK
Green Finance Strategy
One Great George Street, Westminster, London SW1P 3AA
Parallel Sessions I
/Climate science and its implications for the financial sector (BEIS-led)
We are already seeing the impacts of climate change through increased temperature extremes and increased frequency and severity of extreme weather events. Continued greenhouse gas emissions will drive further changes in our climate which could impact the world in many different ways.
In this session you will hear from the Met Office on what the latest climate science is telling us about the likely physical impacts of continued global warming. A panel of experts will then discuss the implications of this for the financial sector, focussing on the physical risks arising from climate change and what financial institutions can do to manage and disclose these risks effectively.
Jason Lowe, Head of Climate Services, Met Office
Chair: Sarah Laitung, Corporate Finance Advisory and Investor Relations, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
Murray Birt, Vice president and Senior ESG Strategist, DWS.
Xianfu Lu, Head of Analytics, Acclimatise Group Ltd
Ellie Mulholland, Director, Commonwealth Climate Law Initiative
/Local natural capital investment (DEFRA-led)
This session will explore recent innovations in local natural capital investment, which the Green Finance Strategy recognised as key to delivering our ambitious environmental goals. It will cover the challenge of developing geographical strategies capable of harnessing the interests and resources of different local actors, and consider priorities for government and others going forward to ensure that this growing area of investment is able to reach full potential.
This session will showcase three of the leading natural capital strategies to have emerged from around the UK so far, with speakers from Surrey, Manchester and Sussex exploring success factors and the challenges they encountered. They will be joined by Jamie Mansfield from specialist green finance firm Environmental Finance and Caroline Mason from the leading environmental philanthropic foundation Esmée Fairbairn, to discuss priorities and next steps for turning these strategies into a robust pipeline of investment-ready projects.
Chair: Sarah Montgomery, Deputy Director Green Finance, Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
James Mansfield, Co-founder and Director, Environmental Finance
Sarah Jane Chimbwandira , Chief Executive, Surrey Wildlife Trust
Sam Evans, Head of Environment Policy, Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Julie Middleton, Consultant to Sussex Local Nature Partnership
Caroline Mason, Chief Executive, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
/The role of the UK Department for International Trade in promoting the UK’s Green Finance offer (DIT-led)
Green Finance is one of the fastest growing financial sub-sectors globally and the Department for International Trade (DIT) plays an important role alongside OGDs in ensuring that the UK maintains and increases its leading role globally.
This session will outline the background and current status of the market and the UK’s strengths. It will explain the various types of green financial instruments available from the UK and how DIT promotes these internationally. To showcase DIT’s work and UK’s green finance offer, specific focus will be given to the insurance sector and the Brazilian market.
Allan Walker, Green Finance Specialist, Department for International Trade
Kátia Fenyves, Green Finance Programme Manager, Prosperity Fund Brazil
Julian Richardson, Insurance Specialist, Department for International Trade