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Realising the ambition of the UK

Green Finance Strategy


One Great George Street, Westminster, London SW1P 3AA

Terms & Conditions

The Summit​

The Public Sector Green Finance Summit 2019 (Summit) takes place on 17 October 2019 at the One Great George Street, 1 Great George Street, Westminster, London SW1P 3AA, UK and is organised by the UK Government, The UK Green Finance Institute, and the University of Oxford (Summit Organisers).


Registration and Fees

In order to attend the Summit, you must register online at by Friday, 11th October 2019. By registering for the Summit, you/your organisation agree(s) to be bound by these terms and conditions. 

The fees payable by registrants are set out on the Summit website. All Fees are payable in POUND STERLING (£). Fees will be paid by credit/debit card in full at the time of booking. Registrants who fail to do so will not be permitted to access the Summit. Registrant places may not be shared.



Cancellations must be notified to the Summit Organisers by email at It is the registrant’s responsibility to check that their notice of cancellation has been acknowledged, as this is confirmation that the cancellation has been received.

Cancellations received before Friday, 4th October 2019 are eligible for a full refund of the fees. Cancellations received on or after Friday, 4th October 2019 are non-refundable.

No-shows: No refund is available to no-shows. 


Joining Information

Registrants will be sent joining instructions by email at least five days prior to the Summit. Any Registrant not receiving the joining instructions should contact the Summit Organisers by email at



Views expressed by speakers are their own.

The Summit Organisers and its partners do not accept liability for advice given, or views expressed, by any speaker at the Summit.



All copyright and other rights (including all intellectual property rights) in materials provided to conference participants during or for the purposes of the Summit (including, without limitation, Conference notes, slides, brochures) are property of the Summit or of the speakers. You are not entitled to use such materials without the speakers' or the Summit Organisers' permission. You are not entitled to copy such materials (except as permitted by law) nor are you entitled to use or authorise others to use such materials for any commercial purposes.



The Summit are not responsible for accommodation bookings and the fees do not include accommodation. Participants will arrange and book accommodation by themselves.



The Summit language is English.



By attending the Summit, you may be featured in photographs and videos taken at the Summit and you are deemed to consent to having your image captured by official Summit photographers and videographers. The Summit Organisers may use photographs and videos taken at the Summit in publicity and marketing materials, including on our website.



By registering for the Summit, your name, surname, job title and organisation will be incorporated into a registrant list which may be provided to other Registrants at the Summit. These details will also be shared with a consultant who has been contracted to organise the event.
We do not store credit card details nor do we share customer details with any 3rd parties.


Force Majeure

If for any reason arising from or attributable to acts, events, omissions or accidents beyond the Summit’s reasonable control (including but not limited to: strikes; regulations or orders of governmental authorities; civil disorder; disasters; acts of terrorism; acts of war; collapse of building structures; extreme weather conditions) it is necessary to change the Summit format, speakers, participants, content, venue and/or programme and/or any other aspect of the Summit or it becomes impossible to run the Summit, the Summit Organisers are relieved of all obligations and do not take any responsibility for compensation, reimbursement of any additional expenses, inconvenience or loss of business that may be experienced by Registrants. The Summit Organisers reserves the right to retain the Fees as a contribution to all venue and administrative costs incurred. 

The Summit Organisers may (in its sole discretion) change the format, speakers, content, venue location or any other aspect of the Summit at any time and for any reason, whether or not due to a Force Majeure Event, in each case without liability.


For questions regarding the terms and conditions please contact

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